This is just unending, pathetic diversion from mass murder.
In the golden period between 2008-2013, every other month,
often week, the killings in Karachi would “get out of hand”, as one gent put
it. Rehman Malik would fly to the city and hold talks with MQM. Everyone was
supposed to pretend that after he “redressed” MQM’s concerns, the lull in
killings was because the killers had their favourite show on, went out to get
sushi, or in one memorable instance, the wives and girlfriends that were doing
the killing had seen the light.
In any case, MQM and their supporters in what goes for
journalism in this country would throw in a “hum pay jinnahpur ka ilzam lagaya
gaya tha”, or “people up north don’t understand Karachi” just to keep everyone
Then came Zulfiqar Mirza, he didn’t keep quiet. Again we
would hear “pehle bhi jinnahpur” or “people outside Karachi don’t understand”.
Then came the SC judgement that MQM, ANP and PPP indeed were
killing people. “Jinnahpur”. “Prejudice up north”
The last year or so the following has happened. MQM London
members admitted to police there that they take money from Indian intel. Then
the MQM golden boy Mayor told everyone who would listen the same.
Couple of days is it now since Altaf Hussain ordered an
attack on the media after denouncing Pakistan? Yesterday
Altaf and the MQM rabita committee expressed their firm resolve to undo the
country and launch a rebellion with the help of Israel and India.
What is the response? A garbage anecdotal piece on people
outside Karachi being prejudiced against it? The irony of ascribing negative
stereotypes to a whole people, based on your personal experiences with a few, as
a means to decry negative stereotyping is just completely lost on the largely Karachi
based journalists lapping it up.
For almost a decade now debate on MQM’s mass killing gets
shut down over and over through this excuse, that people outside Karachi don’t
understand, that they are prejudiced, that they shouldn’t speak.
Just one man who hasn’t stepped foot in Karachi since the
turn of the century can speak about it, this one.
MQM MNA & owner of Bori-yani of the Seas learning new torture techniques & bheja cooking recipe from Altaf Hussain.— Altaf B. (@AltafBe) August 23, 2016
The description of that tweet isn’t off at all. Altaf Hussain
literally tells his followers to hammer nails into their opponents, not to
shoot them because it wouldn’t be painful enough, instead to smash open their
skulls and feed the brains to dogs.
Hear that one more time. He wants opponents to not be shot
because that wouldn’t be painful enough. Instead to hammer nails in them, smash
open their skulls and feed the brain to dogs.
This is the man that should speak, not you. These nail
hammering, skull cracking orders are the tactics Dawn and journalists in
Karachi at most call “strong arm”. This is the freedom of speech Asma Jehangir
is fighting a court battle to restore.
Not yours though. You don’t know how it is.
The narratives are so
completely false and wilfully dishonest it leaves you awestruck. They’re created
just for a single purpose, divert from the mass murdering of MQM. Thousands of
people have been killed and a madman is ready to plunge the city into more
violence; “2 guys in my office said this to me”... What!?
What? What is that? Why doesn’t that come up when they shoot an
elderly woman in the face for protesting rigging? Or when people decry
extortion? Or when ramzan turns into a bloodbath? Why do these narratives only
spring up when MQM is in trouble? How did they even come into being?
Consider a current one, MQM is marginalized. If you ask how,
you get a retelling of 47 to 85. Stopping at 85 because every dictator since
has had their back. ISI helped them rig an election. Musharraf handed them the
city, let them kill off every policeman they had complaints against and, I am
fairly certain, assumed the small spoon position in bed.
So how is it marginalized now? How is it persecuted by the
establishment of all fucking things? There are many persecuted people in
Pakistan, denied their rights. The Baloch can argue a denial of education, of
resources etc. The peasants in Okara are agitating for land rights. Religious
minorities can claim neglect.
In 2013 when the current operation started, what were the
rights MQM was fighting for? And against who?
It was the right to kidnap, the right to street crime, the
right to “china cutting”, the right to extort, the right to kill people who
refuse extortion, the right to kill members of other parties, the right to kill
immigrants of unwanted ethnicities, the right to kill relatives of the people
they had killed to dissuade from pursuing the matter, the right to kill
witnesses if the matter did make it to court, the right to kill police
investigating cases or giving protection to witnesses and the right to kill
journalists for favourable coverage. Oh, also, after doing all this, the right
to have a peaceful life with their families while drawing salary from
government offices they had never been to.
These rights are not guaranteed in our constitution, in any
constitution anywhere in the world. They are frankly a little unreasonable. And
who were they fighting against for these rights? PPP and ANP and ST and so on
and so forth. The hell was the issue with the state?
By 2012 the target killings in Karachi had claimed
8 thousand lives. The current figure is anywhere between 10 to 13K. This is
the scale of the violence, just these last 8 years, not the 90s. To put that
into perspective, consider that suicide bombings throughout Pakistan’s
history have claimed 6.5K lives.
The state’s reaction to that violence, egged on and cheered
by every journalists providing cover to mass murder in Karachi, has been
sustained military operations. Aerial bombardments, artillery shelling,
gunships letting loose in bazaars, the complete destruction of whole city
centres, villages raised to the ground, millions of people made to leave their lives
and homes behind to become refugees in their own country. How many of them lost
their lives we will never know because journalists in Pakistan don’t believe
in outdated concepts such as reporting.
In Karachi the state’s reaction is paramilitary raiding MQM
headquarters to arrest convicted, convicted, target killers housed there.
How is that persecution!?
Nor does it stop there. The operation in Karachi has again
been falsely built up by journalists sympathetic to MQM’s mass murder as just
against the party. Nothing could be further from the truth. MQM is the most
untouched out of all the violent actors in Karachi during this operation,
despite being the
largest armed group present there with the lengthiest history of murder.
The worst aspect of the Karachi op is the extrajudicial
killings. Two months ago
MQM claimed 56 of its members had been killed without trial since 2013. Yesterday
in a talk show one MQM member claimed the number is now 62. MQM claim, not
verified by any independent body.
The number of people killed in extrajudicial killings in
Karachi, according to HRCP, is
404. 404. This year. In 2015 it
was 507 and in 2014 it was 925.
In all 3 years, 1836 people have fallen to extrajudicial
killings by LEAs in Karachi.
Of them, by MQM’s own unverified claim as of yesterday, 62
belonged to MQM.
That is 200 less than the number of Police and Rangers, the “persecutors”
that have been killed in just the first two years of the operation.
62 out of 1836.
That means 03.37 % of the extrajudicial killings in the city
of Karachi in the last 3 years have been of MQM members.
How again is that being singled out for persecution? How is the operation being used just to target MQM? Their supporters basically just make shit up
out of thin air to keep the killing machine rolling.
The establishment doesn’t persecute MQM, that hasn’t been
their history. That isn’t happening now. MQM falls foul of political
governments and thrives under military rule. The most army is trying to do with
the MQM is to wean it away from the drunkard in London because he’s become a
The journalists and intelligentsia love MQM because its “values”
align with their own; it fits the kind of country they want to see. Mass murder
across 3 decades is small price to pay for politics of your liking.
What of the other 1836 killed in the operation? What of the
thousands and thousands that have lost their lives since 2007 in Karachi? Nothing.
You never hear a “you don’t understand Karachi” piece for them. That is only
reserved for MQM. The pain of journalists and newspapers is only reserved for
The poor people in Karachi that die at the hands of MQM or
at the hands of the state should now accept the fact that they are just little
cockroaches in the grand scheme of things. That’s how they are toyed with, cut
up and thrown away; like insects. For no good reason at all. Except that it was
their misfortune to not be born in liberal, progressive MQM households. So now
their fate is to die.
They have to die so the military can keep its pet hounds another
decade, they have to die so MQM members get over their sense of marginalization, they have to die so Asma Jehangir can restore freedom of speech, and
they have to die so DAWN can see the progressive politics it has overlooked 3
decades of mass murder for.
That’s what cockroaches are for, dying.
And if you aren’t okay with that, or with MQM getting away
with mass murder over and over again, then you are just a prejudiced outsider.
The combined journo-military project to present an
institutional killing machine as having a “non-criminal, non-militant” wing has
gone off to a fabulous start. Since Ajmal Pahari wasn’t available, they have
got the next best thing to be mayor of Karachi.
Waseem Akhtar once called a judge into his office and had
him quash criminal cases against 5000, that is five thousand, MQM criminals in
one go. Normally in Sohail Warriach’s “Aik Din
Geo Ke Saath” the guests speak about the food they like, or what they do in
their leisure time. Waseem Akhtar’s question was about which weapons has he
used. Alhumdulillah, he replied in the positive to everything from a T.T.
pistol to an AK47.
Now the Home Minister of 12th May and the man who
armed MQM to the teeth in Mush era, you’re all welcome, will head the rebranded
“political/Pakistan” wing of the party.
Expect more cockroaches to die.